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Home >> Ward Automation Announced as a Finalist for Best Use of Robotics Award
Ward Automation Announced as a Finalist for Best Use of Robotics Award

Ward Automation Announced as a Finalist for Best Use of Robotics Award

January 9, 2019

Atlantic MedTech Cluster member, Ward Automation, has been named as a finalist in the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Awards 2019. The category is Best Use of Robotics.

Ward Automation Announced as a Finalist for Best Use of Robotics Award

Judges in this category assess how companies use robotics in a manufacturing facility in Ireland to “maximise competitive advantage”.

This video demonstrates Ward Automation’s use of robotics in Irish manufacturing facilities.

The Manufacturing and Supply Chain Awards are run in partnership with Irish Manufacturing Research. The aim of the awards is to recognise excellence as well as to promote innovation in Ireland’s manufacturing industry.

This is the first ever Manufacturing and Supply Chain Awards. The awards ceremony will take place on 17 January at Citywest Hotel, Dublin.